Better with Age
Conversations around Aging Well
Bring Glowing Older to
Your Community Group!

Our Better with Age events are immersive experiences that bridge education, social connection and food and beverage with conversations around aging. Facilitated by one of our co-founders, participants explore the idea behind what it means to age well.
Through connecting core values with aging planning, eventgoers have the opportunity to practice envisioning how best to create the future they want with the support of their community.
Event Options

Better with Age
[Wine & Cheese]
2 Hours
Combine a wine and cheese tasting experience with conversations around aging. Designed as a three-course tasting, we’ll explore the delicious intricacies of aged wine and cheese and help guests translate that to their own aging journey.

Better with Age
[No Alcohol]
2 Hours
If your group prefers a no-alcohol event, we can customize a menu with other aging delicacies such as coffee, tea, maple syrup, and chocolate.

Better with Age
[Education Only]
1.5 Hours
We can provide our Better with Age educational and interactive content as a lecture-style event.
Sample Schedule for Wine & Cheese Event
4:30 – 4:45 pm
1st Tasting
Introductions, Event Overview
4:45 – 5:00 pm
What is Aging Well?
Presentation and facilitated discussion on social attitudes on aging, aging myths, invisible versus visible aging.
5:00 – 5:15 pm
2nd Tasting
5:15 – 6:00 pm
Guided discussion on discovering one's core values and identifying personal strengths.
6:00 – 6:15 pm
3rd Tasting
6:15 – 6:25 pm
Path & Plan
Conversation on how to integrate core values, strengths, and challenges into a life plan to age well.
6:25 – 6:30 pm
Group Sharing, Question and Answer
Participants are invited to share their experience and internal findings with the group.
Contact us to schedule your event!